Arguably, the most important element of your dating profile is your profile picture. It’s the thing that’s going to attract the most attention and it’s also the first thing other people usually look at when they’re visiting your profile. Just remember what’s the first thing you do when you’re on someone else’s profile. Your first look at their profile picture and then everything else. It’s really weird that almost all dating platforms work in such a way but this is the world we live in today. Things were not like this in the past. You usually met your dates in real life and had conversations with them face-to-face. However, we must get with the times and this is why it’s incredibly important to have a good profile picture. And we’re here to help you pick the best one.
Our first tip has nothing to do with pictures and everything to do with dating sites. You should stay away from popular dating platforms. They’re simply not well suited for cowboy dating especially when compared to sites designed and built specifically for this single purpose. If you want to know more about them, you can take a look at our list of Best Cowboy Dating Sites. Most of them are free, including the biggest one Cowboy Mate. With that out of the way, it’s time to answer two very important questions. What kind of image are you trying to project and what do you want to achieve by joining a Cowboy dating site? The answers to these questions will help you to determine in which direction you should move and help you with the selection process.

It’s important to not take them too seriously. For example, if you’re looking for a serious relationship you should be all serious in your profile picture. In fact, one of the most important pieces of advice we can give you is to smile. It doesn’t have to be a bit smile but it has to be there. It makes the picture feel livelier and more appealing. And the opposite sex responds really well to it. What we’re trying to do is imitate nature and make this experience feel as natural as possible. We’re talking about non-verbal cues that served us so well in the past so it’s time to use them once more. This time in the digital world. You should avoid taking selfies as those pictures are of inferior quality and come with a distorted perspective.
The front camera of your phone is not that good when compared to the main one. Just don’t use the flash on the main one and you should be fine. Natural lighting works wonders for your skin tone and atmosphere so make sure you take your photos during the day. If you wear something red, that might make the person looking at your profile look at it a bit longer. That’s a pro tip right there. Moving on, it goes without saying that you should not use filters or photoshop. Again, we’re trying to make the photo feel inviting and natural. And not like something teenagers would upload to Snapchat. Finally, use a recent photo and you’re good to go. Don’t be afraid to experiment and try different types of photos over time. Keep a positive attitude and good things will happen.